1-Hello Guyome hello Pulmonary Fibrosis , first I would like to thank you for taking the time in answering these questions. could you please introduce your self or give us a short introduction of Pulmonary Fibrosis to the readers ?
Hello Sataroth & Depravity zine readers , I’m Guyome & I started PxFx in 1999 , some line-up changed through the years , some splits ep , tapes , cds & compilations with cool bands on cool labels all around the world were out . In 2006 Pascal , our singer from 2002 & appeared on our 1st album , suicide him !!!! We toured in Europe , Brazil (2006 & 2008) , Ukraine & Russia (2009) , we played also in great fests like the Obscene Extreme , Porno Gore Garri , Butchery At Christmas Time , Caos Emergente . Our actual line–up since 1 year : Yanosh-guitar/vocal ; Renaud-bass ; Adrien-vocals & me-drums/vocals & we have to record our next album this year , it will be out on Mierdas Prods/Cataleptic Remains Prods .
2- What are the metal bands that influenced you or motivated you ?
Still the same sick bands when we started PxFx . Carcass , Last Days Of Humanity , Malignant Tumour , Agathocles , Dead Infection , Regurgitate , Haemorrhage & more . We are actually back to the roots , we lost the grind parts this last years & we are very happy with the new ones .
3- What can you tell us about your line up ?
I wrote some short lines about the actual one already , but I’m pretty satisfy héhé , we are all friends as it has always been in PxFx . All of us write songs & come with ideas , sometimes songs are created in the jams too . Each of us also play in other projects , Renaud play with other friends some kinds of hardcore/crust , Yanosh play with me & Adrien in Baptized In Vaginal Liquid (100% vaginal goregrind) & I play in a doom band called The Bottle Doom Lazy Band . I also have some other projects like , Clotpump (wih Francesco of Ultimo Mondo Cannibale & Marc of Mixomatosis) , recording drums for Mixomatosis & Gorified .
4-What kind of music do you listen to yourself ?
I like lost of style , it can be start from goregrind to medieval stuffs , lots of doom too . Some bands like Last Days Of Humanity , Carcass , Hymen Holocaust , Reverend Bizarre , Electric Wizard , Sunno))) , Stille Volke , Satyricon , Dark Sanctuary , Judas Priest , MC5 & many more , I love music & mostly with rock’n’roll touch , I mean with guitars , drums , bass ; a real band J
5-What are the top 10 Metal albums?
Wowwww , I love too many albums , but I can tell you Napalm Death : “From Enslavement To Obliteration” , “Utopia Banished” , Carcass : “Reek Of Putrefaction” , “Symphonies Of Sickness” , “Necroticism …” , Haemorrhage : “Grume” , “Anatomical Inferno” , Last Days Of Humanity : “The Sound Of Rancid Juices Sloshing Around Your Coffin” , “Hymns Of Indigestible Suppuration” , Dead Infection : “A Chapter Of Accident” , Regurgitate : “Effortless Regurtitaion” , Agathocles : “Thanx For Your Hositlity” & many more .
6-What are some of your non-musical influences?
Personally the music is my drugs & that’s my only influence , I watch some films sometimes but the others do that more than me .
7-How is the metal scene in France ?
Almost dead , all small club close one by one , people sucks !!! The Hellfest is the biggest metal fest in France actualy , bands from everywhere in death metal , black , thrash , hard rock , doom , grind . We still help some bands on tour to manage some shows near our city , but the next step is our festival the 2 october & hope that will work as well to manage more edition .
8-What do you think about the grind or the general extreme music scene at the moment?, do you think that the technicality and speed is misplaced in a grindcore? Are there any new brutal death metal/grind bands that you admire?
Grindcore is just fast & short , just listen the last Agathocles album to hear what’s a real grindcore band . Actually , Hymen Holocaust , Bloodbastard fucking rules , nice to seen back Dead Infection , some Haemorrhage stuffs will be out too , just sad that Last Days Of Humanity is dead now , but their last album is the most extreme album ever .

9-What can you tell us about the songs that are available on your officiel myspace page ?
Nothing special haha J Some old songs with Pascal as vocalist & old line-up , a Carcass cover has been added ; the song was recorded with the new line-up & will be out on Deathforce records for the tribute to Carcass . We will put new songs when the album will be available ;-)
10-Can you explain the title and cover image of your last Full-length "Organ Maggots" ?
Héhé , “organ maggots” was the name of a band that I joined in 1999 , they played some kind of grindnoise & I started to screaming with them . The members of the band played also in PxFx in the past but they stopped , some other project are on the way with the drummer . About the cover & artwork , our friend “Tos” (ex-PxFx guitarist for a short time & actually in The Bottle Doom Lazy Band) worked on it , he found some cool pix for the main cover , but our label missed few pages of the booklet , so you can’t find pix & thanxlist L
11-What can you tell us about your last split in 2009 with Gutslit ? ,and what do you think about the performance of Gutslit ? ,are you satisfied with the result? ,
First I’m totally angry about the guys of Gutslit , they asked me to help them to release this split , so I sent some money & we used the name of my label . This split is release since the last summer , I think & I still haven’t my copies -_- They still tell me that they will send it soon , but they fucking sucks !!!!!!! About our songs I’m not really satisfy about the sound , because I just started to mixed at that time . The Gutslit songs are awesome , great songs & perfect sound , just need to wait again to have it in my hands !!!
12- Why have you record just one full - length since 2001 and several split with many gory bands ? and What is your favorite split ?
Since 2001 ????? I don’t know what you mean by this year , but we recorded our first album around October 2005 & he has been released only in july 2007 :-s Then we lost 2 years & we recorded some songs in our rehearsals for other splits , because we really like splits , that still great to listen many songs & discover unknown bands . Our split with Dahmerized is good enough , the one with Mesrine have some good songs but that still not available L Some new one will be available , so wait for better stuffs ;-)
13-What you have planned after your last split Contorted Mutilation ?
Well , we recorded lots of covers for some tribute cds , the one of Last Days Of Humanity is now available on Alarma records & we are very happy of the result , big thanx to Joel Of Alarma records & the other bands on the trribute J We will also appear on the tribute cd to Carcass , Cock & Ball Torture , Gut & Blood . Several split tapes , cds , eps & compilations are on the way , just check our page to see the news . Also our next album will be record by ourself very soon & will be out on Mierdas Prod / Cataleptic Remains Prod .
14-What can you tell us about Last House On The Right and Bizarre Leprous ?
That’s some great gory labels & you can find some great bands . Excepting that our album has been released 2 years after the recording , I still had some good contact with Bill & I met Roman at the Obscene Extreme fest only one time , nothing more .
15-which label would fit your music?
Bizarre Leprous & Last House On The Right are one of the best for goregrind bands , actually Mierdas Prod is interest by , so we have to try after we will see J If bigger labels will be interest by us that would be great , just need to wait the feedback about the next album .
16- You have been successful in your last show Butchery At Christmas Time Fest X 2009 ? ,and what do you think about the performance of the bands who was with you at last show how was the atmosphere with them ?
Ah yeah , the BACT was really great , we thanx again Simao & R.D.B. for all there , that was a great fest . The atmosphere was great , as we know already lots of people there & few bands who played . That’s still great to have some fun with Agathocles , best grind band ever & really cool guys . Still great to meet our friends from Rato Raro , Basiliades & the other ones . Each bands played great shows & excepting the cold weather , we had lots of fun J
17- The OBSCENE EXTREME FEST ! tell me about this awesome thing is it true that silence sucks !!! ?
Haha , yeah silence sucks J That was great to play at the 2008 edition , that was the 10 years of the fest & surely one of the best edition , arghhh J But they moved to another place since the last year , so I don’t know about the actual one . But I was fucking drunk all the week-end & be sure that was prefect J
18- Any fav bands to get on stage with ?
We already played with our favourite bands J But it would be great to play with Carcass yeah héhé , but in France that’s not really possible , in another country maybe .
19-What is the biggest change compared to your the debut ?
We are better musicians héhé J More experience on stage & our songs are better , years after years that’s better .
20-What is your daily consumption amount of alcohol,cigarettes,drugs ?
Take it if you like it , not because all people do that !!!! As we start to be old we don’t abuse a lot of it right now , we just use it in small quantity & because we like itJ
21-Thanks alot for sharing your time with No Mercy Zine and good look for you , do you have any particular messages for any particular people Or any closing notes or any comment here last words are yours ?
Thanx a lots for your interest in PxFx