1- De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet
2- Dödsapparaten
3- Massdöd
Total playing time 16:34
Nightmrae or what? this EP true source of obscurity , obscurity from hell or from the beyond ,from the darkest part of HELL , pure black evil with dark ambient parts this EP there are very hoooriffic and screaming vocal with many noisy part of It and Evil playing athmospherique , frozen, icy and ambient guitar riffs
The track "De profundis Mors vas Cousumet" is real dark and atmospheric show
The second and the third tracks De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet is a real noise noise noise and noise no valid riffs no valid drumming just noisy Surely the presence of these two titles in this ep is to prove how much noise they are
consequently the first track is the most important in this EP the rest tracks is Dödsapparaten and Massdöd not very necessary to listen but it would have been a single this EP
The track "De profundis Mors vas Cousumet" is real dark and atmospheric show
The second and the third tracks De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet is a real noise noise noise and noise no valid riffs no valid drumming just noisy Surely the presence of these two titles in this ep is to prove how much noise they are
consequently the first track is the most important in this EP the rest tracks is Dödsapparaten and Massdöd not very necessary to listen but it would have been a single this EP