mardi 31 décembre 2024

Paranoid Fantasy - Morbidity Through Tyranny (2024)


Label: Cabale Prod 


1.Disincarnated Voices      

2.Morbidity Through Tyranny      

3.The Treacherous    

4.Black Rivers Of Doom

If you compare this last one with the previous releases Everlasting Madness and Humanity Disgrace it’s looking for late 90s death metal in the vein of Morbid Angel or Immolation and maybe Incantation.

But Morbidity Through Tyranny  is more darker with blackened elements followed with touch of doomed atmosphere

we can notice it on the E.P cover it’s very fit with the concept, when you begin to listen Morbidity Through Tyranny you can imagine yourself in a dark, tick, impenetrable forest full of mists,this is the slower and louder, darker moments and tempo who certainly spell the funeral doom on the ears, same thing about ,brevity of this EP just 4 songs Humanity Disgrace 5 songs a little less! ,but you can say the music is  from the cave of hell with old school flavour the style that adds value and timeliness to the content .and this EP delivers cavernous orgry growls, churning raw riffs, stop and go machine gun drumming, tempo change at the right time and overall a certain grace to brutal death metal technicality

on the strength of this  EP Morbidity Through Tyranny can be the new circuit or the new path of Paranoid Fantasy .

in any case I think you can add Morbidity Through Tyranny to your collection if you want .


