mardi 7 novembre 2023

Evil Incarnate- Lucifers Crown (2023)


 Label:Bestial Burst


1. Intro (Prophetic March Of The Devils Legion)

2. Not My Christ

3. Undisputed Outlaw

4. Great Dragon Of Thunder

5. Lucifers Crow

6. Crosses In Disgrace

7. Penetrating Infest

8. Black Box Of Fear

9. The Corpse Born

10. Seduced By The Devil

Ultimately in 2023 a primitive, prehistoric, pure and true death metal, without advanced technology or effect or sound modify, a hope that makes us forget the Invasion of modern metal.

Lucifers Crown is an heavy sound from the caves of hell for Hell's Headbangers, traditional style of old school death metal with satanic , anti-christianity / Antisemitism and blasphemy  influences with U.S southern touch  (dark, Satanic death metal) early Morbid Angel and Acheron early underground death metal bands back to my head when I listen Lucifers Crown ,just by the preview of Prophetic March of The Devils Legion you will understand it is like Hell's Judgement or beginning of eternal war, but the most important thing on this album you can see the 'golden age  '80s/early '90s death metal

Evil Incarnate on this album presents a pretty easy-peasy and simple run of traditional death metal riffing and sometimes guitars were heavy as hell

the production, is a miror of the mid-'90s sound. The mix is completely dominated by the dirty, ultra-bassy guitar tone, which is so distorted as to render some of the more minimalist riffs. Drums are pushed into the background and nestled next to the vocals, with only bass drums and cymbals being very readily audible, as the gruff, mid-range growls of Michael Eisenhauer occupy a similar acoustic space to the guitar, pushing them together into a single homogenous mass. The overall sound is very forceful and seething, and it fits the somewhat chaotic style of death metal that Evil Incarnate plays pretty perfectly. It's clean enough to allow the listener to understand everything that's going on, but not so much that the evil, anti-Christian atmosphere is compromised.

I think , you should have no no no  you must have  " Lucifers Crown " in your collection..